WOW Reborn...
You got flames!!!
yesterday my brother (ever-loyal witness baptized same day as me 10 years ago; who is married to a holier-than-thou regular pioneer and subsequently with her encouragement has since avoided me as much as possible since i da myself) and his wife (see description above) came over to visit.. well.. shooting the proverbial shit, we got to the topic of movies.
asking politely if he or his wife had seen lord of the rings.. she interjected that it was inappropriate because it suggested wizardry and spiritism, and would never see such filth.
trying very hard to remain polite, my mom noticed the pause and said if they wanted to borrow any movies we have on tape to watch at home.. sneaky as i am, while they flapped their gums with my parents i glanced in the bag to see what they borrowed.. they took:.
WOW Reborn...
You got flames!!!
i'm wondering if any of you ex elders ever felt embarrassed or awkward about having to stick your noses into other peoples business did it ever seem like that to you, or were you of the mind that you were a necessary part of the lives of the flock?
Some posts make you both laugh and cry.
Good one Marilyn
I remember buying a bottle of wine and celebrating when I found out the CO who caused a lot of pain in my life ran off with one of the women he worked with and left his dub-wife and kids and then later was killed in a traffic accident (I'm pritty ashamed of that now). What is the old saying? Oh yeah, "what goes around, comes around".
No offence intended toward any of the ex elders who have posted on this thread. Its nice to know there were some decent ones out there.
my exit introduction .
over the next few weeks or months, i will post an accounting of my exit process in a series of 15 short stories.
it will be part of my permanent notes that may someday be incorporated in a book likely a private book for my children and grandchildren.
Please write your story. Write it one chapter at a time if that is the best and easiest way for you to do it. Good and bad, don't leave anything out.
I can't tell you what courage the stories of former JW escapes from the WTS gives me. It helps me to know how lucky I am.
Looking forward to your first chapter....
the controversy regarding the future is my no means confined to apostate dubs and jehovah's witnesses.
many other than "bible thumpers" can see big trouble looming just around the next bend.
of course they are ridiculed too by those with opposing views.
You Know/
Glad your back (in fine form too)
I disagree with most of your posts but I miss um when they aren't there.
im seeking advice..... i know, i would be talking into the wind.
but i would like to answer this stinking article that was in the awake mag.
im doing it for me, not for anyone else!
Dakota Red,
I am in your debt and thank you.
Great stuff and I am going to borough it along with some other info I've come accross.
Thank you too
Bob may refuse to read it.....but I will feel better!
im seeking advice..... i know, i would be talking into the wind.
but i would like to answer this stinking article that was in the awake mag.
im doing it for me, not for anyone else!
I’m seeking advice….
I know, I would be talking into the wind. But I would like to answer this STINKING article that was in the Awake mag. I’m doing it for me, not for anyone else!
For you to understand I guess I’ll have to start at the beginning.
I’ve been out of dubdom for about 20yrs (give or take a few). I come from a family of five siblings. This cult has forever divided us. Two are and three aren’t JWs. There are terrible hard feelings between the ones who are and the ones who aren’t. One of us was Dsfd 35 years (yes, 35 years) ago and it all sort of revolves around that.
Anyway before I get off the track……My present husband isn’t a JW, never has been. This is my second marriage. We’ve been married 16 years. My husband is a nice guy. Likes to go camping and fishing. Stays home most of the time and does projects around the house. Rides his Harley. Helps out with the cookin and the cleanin. You know the type.
A couple of years ago a JW (I’ll call him Bob) came to the house and started a little aquaintence/friendship with my husband. I think he likes my husband as a person and they talk about fishing trips and etc. My husband has even given him fish from our trips and I think Bob just would like him to become interested so they could be “legal” friends. I have explained to my husband that I would never pick his friends for him but if he wants to become a JW that I will have no choice but to get a divorce. I’ve already been there and done that and don’t want any part of it. He laughs at me and says he could never give up the holidays and birthday presents so I have nothing to worry about.
A few visits ago my husband confronted Bob on the JWs practice of shunning people. Even though he doesn’t know that much about it. He only knows what he’s overheard when he hears my daughter and I talking and he read some emails I had printed out on the subject. The only thing he ever said was “This religion can’t be good if it hurts familys like this”. Anyway, they discussed it for about thirty minutes. Bob said he would bring him some information about it and the following article is what he brought about a week ago.
I would like to type out a response to this rediculous article and clip it to the magazine and hand it back to Bob and dare him to read it!
So any thoughts you would like to share with me on the subject of this article out be much appreciated.
Well guys, I guess I have a lot to learn. I've tred unsuccessfully to copy that article to this post and I can't make it work. It is the Sept. 8th, 1996 Awake Mag. pages 26 and 27. If someone would post it for me I would be forever grateful.
it would have taken more much more time to tell it all.
he told us the meeting would began as soon as the other brothers arrived.
danni: i will give you two.
Just another JW horror story. Your JW marriage sounds very much like mine.
I would have emailed you but yours is not open.
Hope you are happy now.
And Damn them all to hell! (whether they believe in it or not..LOL)
minds are like parachutes--they only function when open.
In a world of peace and love, music would be the universal language...Thereau
it would have taken more much more time to tell it all.
he told us the meeting would began as soon as the other brothers arrived.
danni: i will give you two.
Dear Danni,
It took a lot of courage to do what you and Darryl did. You have my respect.
The meeting in my opinion went just about the way I thought it would.
You can't reason with the unreasonable.
minds are like parachutes--they only function when open.
In a world of peace and love, music would be the universal language...Thereau
Cadbury Eggs!
I'm so glad you can only get them at easter time or I would look like one!
minds are like parachutes--they only function when open.
In a world of peace and love, music would be the universal language...Thereau
greetings gentle posters,.
i have been inspired to write this by the following quotes from various posters on a thread started by amnesian titled the ex-[elders] files: eyes wide shut.. the following was quoted by amnesian from various responses to a thread started by amazing titled: ex-jw women, your side.. thanks for asking!...thank you amazing for asking that question...just my 2 cents.
thanks for letting me share...amazing, this is a great topic!...amazing, great idea...thanks for starting this thread amazing...what an excellent topic.
Mamma is so proud!